Dev Interrupted

Dev Interrupted started as a podcast for engineering leaders - but it’s grown into a conference series, 2300+ person engineering leadership community, weekly newsletter, article series, YouTube channel, and much more.

Since May of 2021 I’ve curated the Dev Interrupted community for LinearB and we’ve grown the podcast to more than 3500 downloads a week. I’ve also taken up co-hosting duties and much more - you’ll find me talking to incredible guests, writing articles, appearing in videos, and more alongside my work organizing the content team.

Conor Bronsdon

Conor is a seasoned consultant and expert in digital transformation and innovative technology, with a long history of success in politics and government.

Residing in Seattle, WA he’s looking forward to the opportunity to attend live music again at some point in the future. For now, you can find him at home writing, streaming on Twitch, or exploring the outdoors.

Test Lab: Emails about the future


YouTube Videos